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Ошибка возникает при установке lightgbm

I am using R studio, Now i want to install LightGBM for window. I have Installed Git for Window, CMAKE and MINGW64. The path of GIT is

C:\Program файлы\Git\bin
and the path of CMAKE is


I have set C:\Users\MuhammadMaqsood\Downloads\cmake-3.13.3-win64-x64\bin as path for both user variable and system variable

I have run the following command for the installation of LightGbm

git clone --recursive

cd LightGBM

mkdir build

cd build

cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DUSE_OPENMP=OFF ..

mingw32-make.exe -j4

Now i have to face some two types of error.

When i set C:\Program Files\Git\bin as path for user variable and system variable then i show this error that cmake command not found.

2.when i set C:\Users\MuhammadMaqsood\Downloads\cmake-3.13.3-win64-x64\bin as path for user variable and system variable then i show this error that sh.exe found in your path even i have been delete sh.exe.

I am trying this about one month if any one has any information about this then answer me

Что я уже пробовал:

Я пробовал различные методы, но эта проблема не решается для меня.

Richard MacCutchan

найдите расположение отсутствующих файлов и убедитесь, что все пути добавлены в переменную пути среды при попытке запуска make.

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