Dhanyaal Ответов: 0

Отправка объекта данных датчика в базу данных и сервер

Я пытаюсь отправить объект данных датчика на сервер и базу данных я вызвал url-адрес сервера из проекта сервера, поэтому он добавляет его в базу данных, а также создал объект данных датчика, который отправляет данные на сервер. Когда я комментирую эти строки
выходит, он прекрасно работает. Но когда я Раскомментирую их, это ничего не делает, не знаю, в чем проблема, может ли кто-нибудь помочь мне здесь, пожалуйста:
final MqttTopic rfidTopic = client.getTopic(TOPIC_RFID);
// Преобразование всех объектов данных датчика в формат json
rfidTopic.publish(новый MqttMessage(gson.метод toJSON(RFID-меток).метод getbytes()));

Что я уже пробовал:

Я создал метод sendtoserver и вызвал его при проверке, поэтому он отправляет данные в базу данных и сервер.

package Lightandheating;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.sql.SQLException;
//import array list for all the rfid data
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;

import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttClient;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttException;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttMessage;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttPersistenceException;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttTopic;

import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.phidget22.DigitalOutput;
import com.phidget22.PhidgetException;
import com.phidget22.RFID;
import com.phidget22.RFIDTagEvent;
import com.phidget22.RFIDTagListener;
import com.phidget22.RFIDTagLostEvent;
import com.phidget22.RFIDTagLostListener;

//import IOTServer.RFIDDao;
import mqtt.publisher.PhidgetPublisher;

 *  Creating rfidLIGHT class.
 *  Setting the user id
 *  If valid tag has been used turn the light on.
 *  Otherwise, invalid tag light  not on.
 *  The data will then be sent to the database/SERVER and be viewed on the browser/database. 

// Creating public class for the RFIDLight opener
public class RFIDLight  {

	 *  Setting the user id
	 *  Also, setting the correct broker url and the correct topic which the messages will subsribe to.
	public static final String userid = "16038287";
	// Setting the correct broker url
	public static final String BROKER_URL = "tcp://iot.eclipse.org:1883";
	//public static final String BROKER_URL = "tcp://broker.mqttdashboard.com:1883";
	public static final String TOPIC_RFID     = userid + "/rfid_light";
	private MqttClient client;

	// Creating a list of valid tags which are recognised
	final String[] tagArray = { "1600ee15e9", "tag1", "tagi23","4d004a7bbf23" };

	ArrayList<String> tagArray1 = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(tagArray));

	// Creating DigitalOutput for the dig out
	DigitalOutput digOut  = new DigitalOutput();

	// Calling the sensor data class and getting new sensor data
	SensorData RFID = new SensorData();

	// Declaring Json string
	String RFIDJSON = new String();

	// Declaring GSON utility object
	Gson gson = new Gson();

	// The address of server which will receive sensor data
	public static String sensorServerURL = "http://localhost:8080/Household_remote_control_app_IOT_Server/RFIDDao";

	// Creating main method and calling the RFIDLight method
	public static void main(String[] args) throws PhidgetException, SQLException {
		new RFIDLight();
	} // close main method

	// Creating public string sendToServer, to send the json string to the server
	public String sendToServer(String RFIDJSON){
		// Creatng variable for url, HttpURLConnection and BufferedReader
		URL url;
		HttpURLConnection conn;
		BufferedReader rd = null;

		// Replacing invalid URL characters from json string
		try {
			RFIDJSON = URLEncoder.encode(RFIDJSON, "UTF-8");
		} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) {
		} // CLose catch UnsupportedEncodingException

		// Creating string full url for the sensor server url for the sensor data
		String fullURL = sensorServerURL + "?sensordata="+RFIDJSON;
		// Print message to the console
		System.out.println("Sending data to: "+fullURL);  // DEBUG confirmation message
		// Creating variable for line and result
		String line;
		String result = "";
		// Creating try for the url connection
		try {
			// Creating new url
			url = new URL(fullURL);
			// Creating http url connection to open the connection
			conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();

			// Setting the request mehtod as get
			// Get is used to request data from a specified resource.
			rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
			// Request response from server to enable URL to be opened
			while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
				result += line;
			} // CLose while loop
			rd.close();  // CLose buffered reader
		} catch (Exception e) {
		} // CLose catch Exception e
		// Return the RESULT
		return result;    	
	} // Close public string send to server

	// Creating method for the RFIDLight which throws phidget exception
	public RFIDLight() throws PhidgetException {
		// Creating variable for hte phidgetPublisher and calling the method
		PhidgetPublisher publisher = new PhidgetPublisher(); // source in PhidgetPublisher.java

		RFID rfid = new RFID(); // Avarable for the rfid

		// set the DigitalOutput channel (0 or 1 on RFID board)
		// open for writing

		// Creating try to valodate the tag on the client side
		try {
			// Making the RFID able to detect loss or gain of an rfid card
			rfid.addTagListener(new RFIDTagListener() {
				// Creating public void for on tag for the rfid tag event
				public void onTag(RFIDTagEvent e) {
					// Creating string for the tag string
					String tagStr = e.getTag();
					// Creating try to check if its the correct tag
					try {
						// If the tag is "1600ee15e9", publish the message
						if (tagArray1.contains(tagStr)) {
							// Print message, if it's the correct tag
							System.out.println("Tag read: LIGHT ON: " + tagStr);

							// Publish rfid and motor

							// Calling the turnOnLight method
						} // close if statement to check the tag string

						// Otherwise fail and print out invalid rfid tag to the console.
						else {
							// Print message, if it's the INVALID tag
							System.out.println("Tag read: LIGHT NOT ON: " + tagStr);

							// Calling the turnOnLight method
						} // Close else
					} catch (MqttException mqtte) {
					} // Close catch mqtt exception
				} // Close public on tag
			}); // Close rfid add tag listener

			// Creating rfid add tag lost listener
			rfid.addTagLostListener(new RFIDTagLostListener() {
				// Creating public void for on tag, which has parameter RFIDTagLostEvent e
				public void onTagLost(RFIDTagLostEvent e) {
					// Creating string for the tag
					String tagStr = e.getTag();
					// If the tag has been lost, print message to the console
					System.out.println("Tag lost: " + tagStr);
				} // Close public void on tag listener
			}); // Close rfid addTagLostListener

			// Open and starting to detect rfid cards
			rfid.open(10000);  // wait 5 seconds for device to respond

			// Display info on currently connected devices
			System.out.println("Device Name " + rfid.getDeviceName());
			System.out.println("Serial Number " + rfid.getDeviceSerialNumber());
			System.out.println("Device Version " + rfid.getDeviceVersion());

			// Set the rfid AntennaEnabled to true

			// Print message to the console
			System.out.println("\n\nGathering data for 15 seconds\n\n");
			// try to put the thread to sleep
			try {
			} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
				// TODO Auto-generated catch block
			// Otherwise close the rfid, and print message to the console
			System.out.println("\nClosed RFID");

			// Attach to the sensor and start reading
			try {      	                                
				System.out.println("\n\nGathering data for 15 seconds\n\n");
			} catch (Exception ex) {
			} // Close catch Exception e
		} finally { // Creating finally
			// Close the sensor
			// Print message to the console
			System.out.println("Closed and exiting...");
		} // Close finally
	} // Close rfid light method
	// checking the tag if its the correct tag or not
	// If its wrong tag, print message to the console saying UNKOWN TAG!
	private void turnOnLight(boolean lightState) throws MqttPersistenceException, MqttException{
		// method to set state of digital out for light to on or off
		if (lightState==true) {
			try {
				// Setting the digout as true, if valid tag has been used

				Object message = null;
				///////////////////////////////////// publish to android app ////////////////////////////
				// When valid tag has been used light is on
				// Creating sensor data object for the valid tag which has been used
//				SensorData RFID = new SensorData(message.toString(),"LIGHT ON","none", "none");
				SensorData RFID = new SensorData("1600ee15e9","LIGHT ON","none","none");
				// Gson object to convert the data to json format
				Gson gson = new Gson();
				// Publish all messages to rfid topic
//				final MqttTopic rfidTopic = client.getTopic(TOPIC_RFID);
				// Convert all the sensor data object to json format
//				rfidTopic.publish(new MqttMessage(gson.toJson(RFID).getBytes()));
				// Print message out onto the console
				System.out.println("Publishing the light sequence, to TURN the LIGHT ON");

				//Print statements to the console
				System.out.println("VALID TAG/USER");
				System.out.println("Room 101 - LIGHT ON");
				// Seting the sensor name(tag), sensorvalue and user id for the valid tag/user)
				RFID.setSensorname("1600ee15e9");// Setting valid sensorname (tag)
				RFID.setSensorvalue("LIGHT ON");// Setting the valid sensor value
				RFID.setUserid("16038287");// Setting valid user id
				// Converting the data to json format
				RFIDJSON = gson.toJson(RFID);
				// Sending the data to the server

				// inserting rfid data to the database and printing message out onto the console
				System.out.println("Success rrfid data have been added to the database!"); // printing success message

				// Creating string for the json bject and then converting it to json format
				String allRFIDDataJson = gson.toJson(RFIDJSON);

				// Print all rfid data in json format
				System.out.println("RFID data successfully in json format!"); // printing success message

			} catch (PhidgetException e) {
				// TODO Auto-generated catch block
			} // CLose catch exception e
		} // CLose if statement
		// Otherwise, if the tag id is not equal to 1600ee15e9, light not on
		else {
			// Creating try to check if invalid tag has been used
			try {
				// Print messages out onto the console
				System.out.println("Tag read: LIGHT OFF!: " + lightState);
				System.out.println("INVALID TAG!");
				System.out.println("LIGHT OFF");

				// Digout and set the state to false

//				// When invalid tag has been used and the light is of
//				// Creating sensor data object for the invalid tag which has been used
//				SensorData RFID = new SensorData("RFID","LIGHT OFF","none","none");
//				// Publish all messages to rfid topic
//				final MqttTopic rfidTopic = client.getTopic(TOPIC_RFID);
//				// Convert all the sensor data object to json format
//				rfidTopic.publish(new MqttMessage(gson.toJson(RFID).getBytes()));
//				// Print message out onto the console
//				System.out.println("Published light sequence, light not on");

				// Seting the sensor name(tag), sensorvalue and user id for the invalid tag/user)
				RFID.setSensorname("4d004a5587");// Setting invalid sensorname (tag)
				RFID.setSensorvalue("light NOT on");// Setting the invalid sensor value
				RFID.setUserid("16038287");// Setting valid user id for the invalid user which has been used

				// Converting the data to json format
				RFIDJSON = gson.toJson(RFID);
				// Sending the data to the server

				// inserting rfid data to the database and printing message out onto the console
				System.out.println("Success rrfid data have been added to the database!"); // printing success message

				// Creating string for the json bject and then converting it to json format
				String allRFIDDataJson = gson.toJson(RFIDJSON);

				// Print all rfid data in json format
				System.out.println("RFID data successfully in json format!"); // printing success message

			} catch (PhidgetException e) {
				// TODO Auto-generated catch block
			} // CLose catch exception e
		} // CLose else
	} // Close private void check tag method
} // Close public class RFID light class

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