Передача UDP с использованием select () в windows занимает больше времени, чем в linux
Я сделал 2000 передач от клиента к серверу с паузами между ними. 2000 пауз занимают 6 секунд.
Я тестировал свой код в windows и занимал 17 секунд в 2000 передачах
В linux это занимает 6,2-6,4 секунды (зависит от того, блокируется или не блокируется)
Возникает вопрос: почему в windows это занимает гораздо больше времени, чем в linux?
Это функции приема и отправки:
void c_client::send_block(char *data_block, int size) { int stat; stat = sendto(client_socket, data_block, size, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &si_other, sizeof(si_other)); //sends to server!! if (stat == -1) { char line[256] = "### c_client::send_block failed:"; strcat(line, strerror(errno)); cout_mtx.lock(); cout << line << endl; cout_mtx.unlock(); } } int c_client::receive_block(char *data_block) { si_length = sizeof(si_other); int stat1 = -1; fd_set tmp = select_fd_set0; int ret = select((int)client_socket + 1, &tmp, NULL, NULL, &select_timeval); switch (ret) { case 0: return 0; case -1: cout_mtx.lock(); cout << "WARNING AT c_client::receive_block() making select()" << endl; cout_mtx.unlock(); return -1; default: stat1 = (int) recvfrom(client_socket, data_block, UDP1_BUFFER_LONG, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &si_other, &si_length); } return stat1;//if -1 no data in! }
Некоторые люди возвращают recvfrom() как size_t, что совершенно неправильно, потому что если результаты терпят неудачу (-1), то его нельзя увидеть до тех пор, пока size_t не будет подписан
Чтобы правильно заставить работать эту программу (и любую другую, использующую сокеты), необходимо выполнить это, чтобы позволить увеличить память сокета:
sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=2304000
Что я уже пробовал:
Вот полный заголовок кода заголовка (работает в linux и windows): Protocol.hpp
#ifndef __PROTOCOLO_HPP #define __PROTOCOLO_HPP /* Version V000: Bien 2000 paquetes ok. Tarda lo mismo con TIMEOUT_US=1-500us si bien tarda 20-28s en mandar los 2000 paquetes debiendo ser algo mas de 6 segundos V001: No select(): non-blocking los 2000 paquetes son OK pero va lento: 84 segundos en vez de 28 con select(). En modo blocking los 2000 paquetes son OK (en init_server y init _client unsigned long mode=0) pero tarda 106 segundos V002: Con select y non-blocking: va bien pero tarda un 15% mas que en modo blocking V003: Se puede seleccionar entre blocking/nonblocking en linux y windows Modo blocking: tarda 16 segundos en mandar los 2000 paquetes (en modos release y debug x64) Modo nonblocking: Tarda 18 segundos pero pierde el servidor 8 de 2000 paquetes Funciona en linux, tarda 6.37 segundos en modo blocking y en modo nonblocking 6.43 pero se encalla un poco para salir. CAUTION!!: Increase receiver socket in Linux that is 8k long only do : sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=2304000 Compilation linux: gcc -std=c++11 -lstdc++ -pthread -o protocol_exe Protocol_V003.cpp Protocol_V003.hpp */ #include <iostream> //cout #include <stdio.h> //getchar() #include <stdlib.h> //srand #include <string.h> //memcpy #include <thread> //threads, usleep #include <chrono> //usleep #include <mutex> // std::mutex #ifdef __linux__ #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <unistd.h> //usleep() #include <sys/ioctl.h> #define _BIND bind #define TCPID_SERVER "" //linux. TCP_ID of the client. Used at the c_serverclass at send() and recvfrom() MODIFY THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #define _CLOSE close #else #include <winsock2.h> #define snprintf _snprintf #pragma comment(lib, "Ws2_32.lib") #pragma warning(disable:4996) //to allow using linux standard compatible functions #define _BIND ::bind //internal:"" net A: net B:10:130:20:187 #define TCPID_SERVER "" //TCP_ID of the server. Used at the c_client class MODIFY THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #define _CLOSE closesocket #endif using namespace std; typedef unsigned char uchar; typedef unsigned short ushort; //=========================== The UDP zone ================================================================= #define BLOCK_HEADER 0xBEADFEAC //ADA1DEAD #define UDP1_BUFFER_LONG 62000 //max UDP=65507. (1280*720+10)/15=61440.66 usamos 61441 y asi se aprovecha mejor #define PORT_NUM 2450 //PORT for listening data, used by both #define TIMEOUT_US 100 //TIMEOUT to be used in select() #define CMD_SENT 2000 //Max number of c_client commands to be sent for testing purposes //#define NONBLOCKING //undef for making blocking. It is 15% slower in nonblocking!!!!!!!!!!! void sleep_us(long microseconds){ this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::microseconds(microseconds)); } uchar message1_long[UDP1_BUFFER_LONG], message2_long[UDP1_BUFFER_LONG]; uchar message1_short[100], message2_short[100]; void fill_messages(); std::mutex cout_mtx; class c_server { public: c_server(); //no tcp_id needed at the server side! ~c_server(); void server_run_state(); //main function. pixels4=number of pixels (that are divided by 4 before being sent) void set_end_state(bool state){ flag_end_server = state; }//if false makes server_run_state() to exit!! private: //socket variables: #ifdef __linux__ socklen_t si_length; int server_socket;//server side int clientToServer_socket; //client side #else int si_length; SOCKET server_socket; //server side //SOCKET clientToServer_socket; //client side #endif struct sockaddr_in anyclient; //the select side! fd_set select_fd_set0;//select_fd_set0 is initiated once again server socket, then select_fd_set=select_fd_set0 every time select() is called struct timeval select_timeval; //private functions: void init_server(); void send_block(char *data_block, int size); int receive_block(char *data_block); uchar state123; static bool flag_end_server; }; class c_client { public: c_client(const char *tcp_id){ init_client(tcp_id); } ~c_client() { } void client_run_state(); private: void init_client(const char *tcp_id); void send_block(char *data_block, int size); int receive_block(char *data_block); //private data to be used in sockets: struct sockaddr_in si_other;//this is the sockaddr_in needed at the client side to send to server //struct sockaddr_in si_client;//this is the sockaddr_in used to receivefrom server #ifdef __linux__ socklen_t si_length; int client_socket; //client side #else int si_length; SOCKET client_socket; //Connected to server tcpid & port. Used at recvfrom() and sendto() #endif //the select side! fd_set select_fd_set0;//to be initiated! struct timeval select_timeval; }; #endif
И вот это самое Protocol.cpp файл:
#include "Protocol_V003.hpp" void fill_messages() { for (int i = 0; i < UDP1_BUFFER_LONG; i++) { message1_long[i] = rand() % 256; message2_long[i] = rand() % 256; if (i < 100) { message1_short[i] = rand() % 256; message2_short[i] = rand() % 256; } } message1_long[0] = 1;//message1 long message2_long[0] = 2;//message2 long message1_short[0] = 3;//message1 short message2_short[0] = 4;//message2 short message1_long[1] = 1;//RUN message2_long[1] = 1;//RUN message1_short[1] = 1;//RUN message2_short[1] = 1;//RUN } //================================== SERVER ================================= c_server::c_server() { init_server(); } void c_server::init_server() { flag_end_server = false; state123 = 1;//RUN printf("initializing server\n"); sockaddr_in server; //used in this function only to initiate socket memset((uchar*)&server, 0, sizeof(server)); #ifdef __linux__ /*Fill in server's sockaddr_in*/ #define SOCKADDR struct sockaddr #else WSADATA wsaData; WORD wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2, 0); if (WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData) != 0) { cout << "c_server::init_server() WSAStartup() error" << endl; getchar(); return; } #endif /*Fill in server's sockaddr_in*/ server.sin_family = AF_INET; server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;//inet_addr(tcp_id); server.sin_port = htons(PORT_NUM); memset((char *)&anyclient, 0, sizeof(anyclient)); anyclient.sin_family = AF_INET; anyclient.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; anyclient.sin_port = htons(0000);//any client port! int slen = sizeof(anyclient); /*Create socket */ server_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (server_socket == -1) { cout << "Error in c_server::init_server(): socket failed"; getchar(); return; } //bind(server_socket, (SOCKADDR*)&server_address, sizeof(SOCKADDR)); if (_BIND(server_socket, (SOCKADDR *)&server, sizeof(server)) == -1) { cout<<"Fail bind()"; getchar(); _CLOSE(server_socket); return; } int buffsize = 24 * UDP1_BUFFER_LONG; //Increasing the socket buffer: if (setsockopt(server_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char*)&buffsize, sizeof(int)) == -1) { cout << "Warning at c_server::init_server() could not increase receiver socket size" << endl; getchar(); } else cout << "Increased server socket bufer size" << endl; //the select side! //fd_set select_fd_set;//to be initiated! //struct timeval select_timeval; select_timeval.tv_sec = 0; select_timeval.tv_usec = TIMEOUT_US; FD_ZERO(&select_fd_set0); FD_SET(server_socket, &select_fd_set0); //BLOCKING/NON BLOCKING: #ifdef NONBLOCKING #ifdef __linux__ int opt = 1; ioctl(server_socket, FIONBIO, &opt); #else unsigned long opt; ioctlsocket(server_socket, FIONBIO, &opt); #endif #endif } void c_server::send_block(char *data_block, int size) { int stat; stat = sendto(server_socket, data_block, size, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &anyclient, sizeof(anyclient)); //sends to any client!! if (stat == -1) { char line[256] = "### c_server::send_block failed:"; strcat(line, strerror(errno)); cout_mtx.lock(); cout << line << endl; cout_mtx.unlock(); } } int c_server::receive_block(char *data_block) { si_length = sizeof(anyclient); int stat1 = -1; fd_set tmp = select_fd_set0; int ret = select((int)server_socket + 1, &tmp, NULL, NULL, &select_timeval); switch (ret) { case 0: return 0; case -1: cout_mtx.lock(); cout << "WARNING AT c_server::receive_block() making select()" << endl; cout_mtx.unlock(); return -1; default: stat1 = (int) recvfrom(server_socket, data_block, UDP1_BUFFER_LONG, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &anyclient, &si_length); } return stat1;//if -1 no data in! } bool c_server::flag_end_server; void c_server::server_run_state() { uchar message[UDP1_BUFFER_LONG]; ushort *num_cmd = (ushort *)&message[2]; uchar *cmd = &message[1]; int num_cmd_sent = 0, num_cmd_in = 0, num_cmd_err = 0; while (!flag_end_server) { int i1 = receive_block((char *)message); if (i1 > 0) { num_cmd_in++; cout_mtx.lock(); cout << "server in cmd:" << (int) message[0] << " cmd_num=" << *num_cmd << endl; cout_mtx.unlock(); //send any cmd: if (*num_cmd == 10) state123 = 2; else if (*num_cmd == 20) state123 = 3; else if (*num_cmd == 30) state123 = 1; ushort num_cmd1 = *num_cmd; if (num_cmd1 % 2 == 0) memcpy(message, message1_short, 100); else memcpy(message, message2_short, 100); *num_cmd = num_cmd1; *cmd = state123; send_block((char *)message, 100); num_cmd_sent++; cout_mtx.lock(); cout << "server out cmd:" << (int) message[0] << " cmd_num=" << *num_cmd << endl; if ((i1 != 100) && (i1 != UDP1_BUFFER_LONG)) { cout << "====== ERROR sercer received command length=" << i1 << endl; num_cmd_err++; } cout_mtx.unlock(); } } cout_mtx.lock(); cout << "===== END c_server::server_run_state() =====" << endl; cout << "Server sent commands=" << num_cmd_sent << " received=" << num_cmd_in << " wrong commands=" << num_cmd_err << endl; cout_mtx.unlock(); } //====================================== c_client ========================================================= void c_client::init_client(const char *tcp_id) { fill_messages();//initializes messages to be sent for testing //initiating socket: #ifdef __linux__ //client_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if ((client_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) == -1) { printf("client socket() failed"); getchar(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #else WSADATA wsaData; WORD wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2, 0); if (WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData) != 0) { cout << "c_udp::init_client() WSAStartup() error" << endl; getchar(); return; } //create socket if ((client_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) == -1) { printf("client socket() failed with error code : %d", WSAGetLastError()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #endif /*Create client socket*/ if (client_socket == -1) { cout << "Warning: client socket not created trying again:" << endl; int i1 = 1; if (setsockopt(client_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char *)&i1, sizeof(int)) < 0) perror("setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR) failed"); } /*Fill in client's sockaddr_in */ memset(&si_other, 0, sizeof(si_other)); si_other.sin_family = AF_INET; si_other.sin_port = htons(PORT_NUM); si_other.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(tcp_id); // |= htonl(0x1ff); select_timeval.tv_sec = 0; select_timeval.tv_usec = TIMEOUT_US; FD_ZERO(&select_fd_set0); FD_SET(client_socket, &select_fd_set0); cout << "Connected c_client with server network ip: " << tcp_id << " Port=" << PORT_NUM << endl; #ifdef NONBLOCKING #ifdef __linux__ int opt = 1;ioctl(client_socket, FIONBIO, &opt); #else unsigned long opt; ioctlsocket(client_socket, FIONBIO, &opt); #endif #endif } void c_client::send_block(char *data_block, int size) { int stat; stat = sendto(client_socket, data_block, size, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &si_other, sizeof(si_other)); //sends to server!! if (stat == -1) { char line[256] = "### c_client::send_block failed:"; strcat(line, strerror(errno)); cout_mtx.lock(); cout << line << endl; cout_mtx.unlock(); } } int c_client::receive_block(char *data_block) { si_length = sizeof(si_other); int stat1 = -1; fd_set tmp = select_fd_set0; int ret = select((int)client_socket + 1, &tmp, NULL, NULL, &select_timeval); switch (ret) { case 0: return 0; case -1: cout_mtx.lock(); cout << "WARNING AT c_client::receive_block() making select()" << endl; cout_mtx.unlock(); return -1; default: stat1 = (int) recvfrom(client_socket, data_block, UDP1_BUFFER_LONG, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &si_other, &si_length); } return stat1;//if -1 no data in! } void c_client::client_run_state() { uchar message[UDP1_BUFFER_LONG]; ushort *num_cmd = (ushort *)&message[2]; int num_cmd_sent = 0, num_cmd_in = 0, num_cmd_err = 0; for (ushort i = 0; i < CMD_SENT; i++) { if (i % 8 == 0) { if ((i / 8) % 2 == 1) memcpy(message, message1_long, UDP1_BUFFER_LONG); else memcpy(message, message2_long, UDP1_BUFFER_LONG); *num_cmd = i; send_block((char *)message, UDP1_BUFFER_LONG); num_cmd_sent++; sleep_us(10000); } else { if (i % 2 == 1) memcpy(message, message1_short, 100); else memcpy(message, message2_short, 100); *num_cmd = i; send_block((char *)message, 100); num_cmd_sent++; sleep_us(2000); } cout_mtx.lock(); cout << "client out cmd:" << (int) message[0] << " cmd_num=" << *num_cmd << endl; cout_mtx.unlock(); int i1 = receive_block((char *)message); if (i1 > 0) { num_cmd_in++; cout_mtx.lock(); cout << "client in cmd:" << (int)message[0] << " cmd_num=" << *num_cmd << endl; if ((i1 != 100) && (i1 != UDP1_BUFFER_LONG)) { cout << "====== ERROR c_client received command length=" << i1 << endl; num_cmd_err++; } cout_mtx.unlock(); } } cout_mtx.lock(); cout << "===== END c_client::server_run_state() =====" << endl; cout << "Client sent commands=" << num_cmd_sent << " received=" << num_cmd_in << " wrong commands=" << num_cmd_err << endl; cout_mtx.unlock(); } int main() { c_client *client = new c_client(TCPID_SERVER); c_server *server = new c_server(); //sending the server thread!!! cout << "Running threads" << endl; time_t ini, fin; ini = clock(); thread th_server(&c_server::server_run_state, server); sleep_us(10000); thread th_client(&c_client::client_run_state, client); th_client.join(); sleep_us(2000);//2ms server->set_end_state(true); th_server.join(); fin = clock(); cout << "\n============= END =============" << endl; cout << "Total time=" << 1.0*(fin - ini) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl; cout << "Expected>=" << CMD_SENT / 8 * 10e-3 + (CMD_SENT - CMD_SENT / 8)*2e-3 << " seconds" << endl; getchar(); return 1; }