Почему я нажимаю строковый индекс вне диапазона?
Я получаю строковый индекс из ошибки диапазона, запустив этот код.
int main() { //Read file string filename = ""; std::cout << "Welcome to the Bank system!\n"; std::cout << "Please input the file name of the data file: "; std::cin >> filename; ifstream myfile(filename); int i = 0; // number of char int j = 0; // number of column int k = 0; // number of ac char c = 'a'; bool skip = false; string temp = ""; string pwhold; string amounthold; string acnohold; string telnohold; string namehold; if (myfile.is_open()) { while (getline(myfile, temp)) { pwhold = ""; amounthold = ""; acnohold = ""; telnohold = ""; namehold = ""; j = 0; skip = false; i = 0; while (!skip) { char c = temp[i]; if (c == '\n') { skip = true; break; } else if (c == '\t') { j++; } else { switch (j) { case 0: acnohold = acnohold + c; break; case 1: namehold = namehold + c; break; case 2: telnohold = telnohold + c; break; case 3: pwhold = pwhold + c; break; case 4: amounthold = amounthold + c; break; default: break; } } i++; } system("pause"); temp = " "; db1[k].pw = stoul(pwhold, nullptr, 0); db1[k].deposit = stod(amounthold, nullptr); db1[k].telno = stoul(telnohold, nullptr, 0); db1[k].acno = stoul(acnohold, nullptr, 0); db1[k].name = namehold; k++; } }
Используемый текстовый файл:
567123456 Chan Tai Man 90112233 3942681528 1234.56 567112233 Wong Mei Lai 60123456 2670544664 10000.12 567555555 Lau Tak Wah 69876543 3418631757 888888.88 567987654 Wong Siu Ming 60123456 3752537240 1300000.12
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