Поиск неисправности сегментации
Я хотел бы узнать ваше мнение о том, как определить проблему ошибки сегментации в моем коде, написанном на языке Си. Я бы поделился своим кодом для ваших ценных комментариев,
С уважением
Что я уже пробовал:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <signal.h> #include <assert.h> #include <hiredis/hiredis.h> #include <hiredis/async.h> #include <hiredis/adapters/libevent.h> #include <event.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdbool.h> #define PACKETSIZE sizeof(cloudRANMessage) #define COMMANDSIZE 256 typedef struct cloudRANMessage { unsigned int station_id; unsigned int location_area; unsigned int counterRedis; char clientHostName[1024]; char command[COMMANDSIZE]; }cloudRANMessage; char *accessKey; char *accessHash; void callbackDeserialize(); void serialize(); void printMyMessage(cloudRANMessage *message) { printf("%d\n", message->location_area); printf("%d\n", message->station_id); printf("%s\n", message->command); printf("%s\n", message->counterRedis); printf("%s\n", message->clientHostName); } void serialize(cloudRANMessage *message, char *data) { assert(data != NULL); memcpy(data, message, sizeof *message); } void deserialize(char *data, cloudRANMessage *tempMessage) { memset(tempMessage, 0, sizeof(cloudRANMessage)); memcpy(tempMessage, data, sizeof(cloudRANMessage)); printMyMessage(tempMessage); } void deserializeLocal(char *data, cloudRANMessage *tempMessageLocal) { memset(tempMessageLocal, 0, sizeof(cloudRANMessage)); memcpy(tempMessageLocal, data, sizeof(cloudRANMessage)); printMyMessage(tempMessageLocal); } void getCallback(redisAsyncContext *c, void *r, void *privdata) { redisReply *reply = r; printf("%s\n", reply->str); // Call deserializaton function for the data retrieval.; /* Disconnect after receiving the reply to GET */ redisAsyncDisconnect(c); } void replyParsing(void *reply) // Parsing will be used to handle subscripton message reply to get the hash-key pair of the data that is written. { redisReply *parsing = reply; printf("parsing array %s", parsing->element[2]->str); char *parsingArray = parsing->element[2]->str; char *p; p = strtok(parsingArray,"[ ""]."); int i= 0; while(p !=NULL) { p = strtok(NULL,"[ ""]."); if(i == 7) { accessHash = p; printf("%s\n",p); } else if(i == 8) { accessKey = p; printf("%s\n",p); } i++; } // send pointer here ! // GET command here with the appropiate keys } // for the key hash value in the char. [8&9] void listenChannel(redisAsyncContext *c, void *reply, void *privdata) { struct event_base *base = (struct event_base*)privdata; char isExists = malloc(sizeof(isExists)); isExists = "eNB"; bool executeParsing = false; redisReply *r = reply; if (reply == NULL) return; printf("Client successfully subscribed to channel !\n"); if(r->type == REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY){ for(int j =0; j<r->elements;j++) { printf("Printing Redis Reply: %u) %s\n",j,r->element[j]->str); if (strstr(r->element[j]->str,isExists) != NULL) executeParsing = true; else executeParsing = false; } } if (executeParsing){ replyParsing(r); printf("test received key !\n"); event_base_loopexit(base,NULL); } else event_base_loopcontinue(base); } void callbackDeserialize(redisAsyncContext *c, void *r, cloudRANMessage *tempMessage) { redisReply *reply = r; if (reply == NULL) return; printf("%s\n", reply->str); // Call deserializaton function for the data retrieval. char *stringReply = reply->str; deserialize(stringReply, tempMessage); /* Disconnect after receiving the reply to GET */ // } void callbackDeserializeLocal(redisAsyncContext *c, void *r, cloudRANMessage *tempMessageLocal) { redisReply *reply = r; if (reply == NULL) return; printf("%s\n", reply->str); // Call deserializaton function for the data retrieval. char *stringReply = reply->str; deserializeLocal(stringReply, tempMessageLocal); /* Disconnect after receiving the reply to GET */ // } void connectCallback(const redisAsyncContext *c, int status) { if (status != REDIS_OK) { printf("Error: %s\n", c->errstr); return; } printf("Connected...\n"); } void disconnectCallback(const redisAsyncContext *c, int status) { if (status != REDIS_OK) { printf("Error: %s\n", c->errstr); return; } printf("Disconnected...\n"); } void connectCallback2(const redisAsyncContext *c2, int status) { if (status != REDIS_OK) { printf("Error: %s\n", c2->errstr); return; } printf("Connected...\n"); } void disconnectCallback2(const redisAsyncContext *c2, int status) { if (status != REDIS_OK) { printf("Error: %s\n", c2->errstr); return; } printf("Disconnected...\n"); } void connectCallback3(const redisAsyncContext *c3, int status) { if (status != REDIS_OK) { printf("Error: %s\n", c3->errstr); return; } printf("Connected...\n"); } void disconnectCallback3(const redisAsyncContext *c3, int status) { if (status != REDIS_OK) { printf("Error: %s\n", c3->errstr); return; } printf("Disconnected...\n"); } void exitCallback(redisAsyncContext *c, void *reply, void *privdata){ struct event_base *base = (struct event_base*)privdata; event_base_loopexit(base,NULL); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { cloudRANMessage *cloudRANptr = malloc(sizeof(cloudRANMessage)); cloudRANMessage *receivedMsg = malloc(sizeof(cloudRANMessage)); cloudRANMessage *initialMessage = malloc(sizeof(cloudRANMessage)); void *data = calloc(1,sizeof(cloudRANMessage)); accessKey = malloc(sizeof(char)); accessHash = malloc(sizeof(char)); struct timeval start; initialMessage->location_area = 7214; initialMessage->station_id = 45632; initialMessage->counterRedis = 0; gethostname(initialMessage->clientHostName,1023); strcpy(initialMessage->command, "HANDOVER\0"); gethostname(initialMessage->clientHostName,1023); // Gets the hostname of the compiled computer and puts in struct. printf("%s\n",initialMessage->clientHostName); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); struct event_base *base = event_base_new(); struct event_base *base3 = event_base_new(); struct event_base *base2 = event_base_new(); struct event_base *base4 = event_base_new(); redisAsyncContext *localCon = redisAsyncConnect("localhost", 6379); // Connection will be used for get operation if (localCon->err) { printf("Error on localhost connection: %s\n", localCon->errstr); return 1; } redisAsyncContext *clientCon = redisAsyncConnect("", 6379); // Connection will be used to write data on master if (clientCon->err) { printf("Error on master connection: %s\n", clientCon->errstr); return 1; } redisAsyncContext *subCon = redisAsyncConnect("localhost", 6379); // Connection will be used for SUBSCRIBE & UNSUBSCRIBE command if (subCon->err) { printf("Error on subscribe connection: %s\n", subCon->errstr); return 1; } unsigned int counter = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int)); counter = 0; redisLibeventAttach(subCon, base2); redisAsyncSetConnectCallback(subCon,connectCallback3); redisAsyncSetDisconnectCallback(subCon,disconnectCallback3); counter++; redisAsyncCommand(subCon,listenChannel,base2,"SUBSCRIBE cloudRAN"); WAITSUBSCRIBE: event_base_dispatch(base2); //initialize data on master ! serialize(initialMessage,data); redisLibeventAttach(clientCon,base4); // Should run once to set the data ! redisAsyncCommand(clientCon,exitCallback,base4,"HSET TA_1 eNB_1 %b",data,sizeof(cloudRANMessage)); event_base_dispatch(base4); if(counter != 1){ redisLibeventAttach(localCon, base); redisAsyncSetConnectCallback(localCon,connectCallback); redisAsyncSetDisconnectCallback(localCon,disconnectCallback); // Make an initial SET operation to the MASTER ! // Access the data locally redisAsyncCommand(localCon,callbackDeserialize,receivedMsg,"HGET %s %s",accessHash,accessKey); printf("Execution in UNIX time for HGET:%ld\n", (start.tv_sec * 1000000 + start.tv_usec)); event_base_loop(base,EVLOOP_ONCE); printf("Hash and Key value %s %s",accessHash,accessKey); if(initialMessage->clientHostName != receivedMsg->clientHostName){ redisLibeventAttach(clientCon, base3); redisAsyncSetConnectCallback(clientCon,connectCallback2); redisAsyncSetDisconnectCallback(clientCon,disconnectCallback2); cloudRANptr = receivedMsg; // Now access and change the data after verification cloudRANptr->counterRedis++; cloudRANptr->location_area= 56789; // Assign arbitrary location area value on this client serialize(cloudRANptr,data); // try with a different data pointer as well !! gettimeofday(&start, NULL); printf("Execution in UNIX time for HSET:%ld\n", (start.tv_sec * 1000000 + start.tv_usec)); redisAsyncCommand(clientCon,exitCallback,base3,"HSET %s %s %b",accessHash,accessKey,data,sizeof(cloudRANMessage)); event_base_dispatch(base3); goto WAITSUBSCRIBE; } } else goto WAITSUBSCRIBE; //redisAsyncCommand(c,NULL, NULL, "PUBLISH cloudRAN %b", data, sizeof(cloudRANMessage)); return 0; }