aryan2010 Ответов: 0

Пользовательская маршрутизация в codeigniter

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I am developing eCommerce site in CodeIgniter. I am facing problem in opening the pages of Admin. I have set the default_controller for the main site. Now you how can I open the pages of Admin. I want that when I type http://localhost/ecom/admin then it will open like this http://localhost/ecom/account/login. I have used custom routing in route.php file like this $route['account/login'] = 'admin/login_controllers'; $route['account/dashboard'] = 'admin/dashboard';

login_controllers and dashboard are controllers inside the Admin folder.

What I have tried:

<pre>When I try to open http://localhost/ecom/admin then it shows 404 Page Not Found. Try to solve my problem.

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