Помогите мне в проекте (Python)
Q- Assume that you are managing a reading group of various members. You were asked to a produce a monthly report of the group reading. The report includes some statistics about what the group has read during the month. Therefore, the task is to write a program to manage the reading group. • The group must have at least 10 members. • The data must be collected from a file (e.g. members names, emails, phone numbers, books titles, pages, categories). • Each member at least read 5 books. You will take the following inputs from the user (you get them from a file): 1. Member information a. Name b. Mobile number c. Email 2. Member books’ information a. Titles of the books b. Number of pages for each book c. Category of each book. - You have to produce the following outputs: • Present statistical reports about the group, such as: o Number of books read by the whole group members. o Number of pages read by the whole group members. o Ranking of books categories mostly read by the group members [show the number alongside the category in the ranked list]. o Ranking of group members based on number of books read [show the number alongside the member’s name in the ranked list]. o Ranking of group members based on number of pages read [show the number alongside the member’s name in the ranked list]. Evaluation Criteria: 1. A running program. 2. Reading from file. 3. Variable declaration of all major primitive types and structures (e.g. integer, float, string, array, multidimensional array, classes). 4. Use of conditional statements in different formats (e.g. if/else) 5. Use of all loop/control structures (e.g. for, while) 6. Define your own functions and object types and use built-in libraries • Must use i. Functions ii. Objects iii. Built-in libraries iv. Private and public attributes/methods 7. Formatting & Standard • Source code indenting • Meaningful variable/function/object names • Good-looking output format
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