Member 13677146 Ответов: 1

Помощь по вопросу наследования java?

Create a new Employee Class 
Build a new Employee class(“”).  This class will be a sub-class of Person.  So it will inherit all the properties of Person(FirstName, LastName, Address and Email).  Also add 2 new properties, an employee id number and a salary.  Create this class, make sure to add 2 constructors(one that takes no args and 1 that takes all props from both the Person class and the Employee class) and a display() method that prints out all the props from both the Person class and the Employee class.  Then use main to test out this class.

Main Code -->

Employee e1;
e1 = new Employee(2323, “Bill”, “Clinton”, “Marietta”, “”, 43000.00);
e1.display();      //prints all 6 properties

Что я уже пробовал:

Код класса персоны:

public class Person {
	//   ========================== Properties ===========================
	private String FirstName;
	private String LastName;
	private String Address;
	private String Email;
	//constructor with parameters
	Person(String FirstName,String LastName,String Address,String Email) {
		this.FirstName = FirstName;
		this.LastName = LastName;
		this.Address = Address;
		this.Email = Email;
	//constructor with no parameters
	Person() {
		this.FirstName = "";
		this.LastName = "";
		this.Address = "";
		this.Email = "";
	//   ==========================  Behaviors  ==========================
	public void setFirstName(String fn) {
		this.FirstName = fn;
	public void setLastName(String ln) {
		this.LastName = ln;
	public void setAddress(String a) {
		this.Address = a;
	public void setEmail(String e) {
		this.Email = e;
	public String getFirstName() {
		return this.FirstName;
	public String getLastName() {
		return this.LastName;
	public String getAddress() {
		return this.Address;
	public String getEmail() {
		return this.Email;
	//method that displays person data
	public void display() {
		System.out.println("First Name : "+this.FirstName);
		System.out.println("Last Name : "+this.LastName);
		System.out.println("Address : "+this.Address);
		System.out.println("Email : "+this.Email);
	} //end display()
	//overriding toString method
	public String toString() {
		return "FirstName: "+getFirstName() + "\nLastName: "+getLastName() + "\n" +this.Address.toString()
		+"\nEmail: "+getEmail();
	//main method
	public static void main(String args []) {
		Person p1;
		p1 = new Person("Rodney","Duncan","70 Bowman St. South Windsor, CT 06074","");

Код класса сотрудника до сих пор:

public class Employee extends Person {

private int employeeId; 
private int salary; 

public Employee() {
		this.employeeId = 0; 
		this.salary = "";

Patrice T

В чем же вопрос ?

1 Ответов



Я вижу проблему в том, что Employee конструктор... :-)


студенческая общественность () {

public Employee() {

И тогда, конечно же, выполните задачу: предоставьте конструктору, принимающему все параметры и display метод класса Emplyee. Стройте их постепенно, эксплуатируя Person код класса.