Попытка написать код для функции на языке Си
i'm trying write the code for a minesweeper game. trying to write a function in the c language to reveal the tiles around the selected tile if the selected tile has no bombs around it. i think this can be done recursively but got no clue about how to do it that way. the thing is i don't know if this can be done by one recursive function because it has to check every direction and reveal them if there are no bombs around them and stop until it reaches a tile which has at least a bomb around it can someone explain how i can create this function. and an another problem is how can i make it evaluate all of the tiles around it? can someone help me and it doesn't have to be a recursive solution because i'm guessing that would be way more confusing.
Что я уже пробовал:
ребята мне очень жаль но я просто не имею ни малейшего понятия!!!
используйте массив типа int playground[8][8];