Проблема Java GUI, содержащая панели
Layouts: the organization of graphical components inside a panel Deliverables app.java (initial application) MainFrame.java (external JFrame) ControlPanel, a Java class for the panel that will contain two other panels, using a layout. TopPanel, a Java class for the Panel that will display the group’s name and group's average GPA CenterPanel, a Java class for the Panel that will display names and semester GPAs of the 4 students in a group. group.java and student.java (a working version from previous labs, might need updates, see important #2 below). Students should apply consistent indenting in all submissions. This can be done via the NetBeans Source menu. Contents You can start with this NetBeans project. You will create 3 panels and one group object. One panel contains two other panels. On a top panel you will display the group's name and average GPA. The center panel will contain 4 buttons displaying the group 4 students name and GPA.
Important - #1 - The single group object You will create only one group object g1 in this assignment. There will be only one statement group g1 = new group(...); in the whole application. Since two panels need to be used, g1 will need to be created somewhere and then pass the object g1 as a parameter to other classes. Important - #2 - GPA Calculation Your previous group/student solution might be working this way; otherwise, you will need to updated it. Because GPA is calculated randomly in student, depending how you calculate it there is a chance that the average group GPA will not match with the displayed sum of each student's GPA. In order to fix this, you need to: in group: semesterGPA is calculated using the GPA attribute in student, not the semesterGPA() method in student in student: it needs GPA as an attribute the attribute GPA is calculated in the constructor, when the student is created, calling the semesterGPA() random method the semesterGPA() method, whenever it is called, updates the value of the attribute GPA.
Что я уже пробовал:
у меня нет никакого опыта работы с графическим интерфейсом java, поэтому я не знаю, как это решить problem.java