Проблемы с установкой python3.8 на mac...помогите!
I’ve posted about this issue before but the problem still stands. I am a recent graduate who took a class in python coding but want to further advance my skills. I am trying to follow the “KidsCanCode” videos available on YouTube in hopes of creating a basic video game. I followed the download instructions for python 3.8.2 (Mac version) but am having trouble opening up the shell. When I try to open my IDLE application within the python 3 folder to access the shell, it bounces on my dock but then nothing happens. I am able to get the python 2 shell to come up when I type “idle” into the terminal but not the 3. I’ve tried deleting it and re-downloading it but the issue remains. I’ve tried changing the default python version from 2 to 3 in the launcher by putting “/use/local/bin/python3” in the interpreter but still nothing happens. I’ve tried installing a new tack/tk but am not sure how to run it with the python package to get it to work. Does anyone know how to get this running or who I can contact? The only way I have been able to run any python codes/commands is through the terminal. Here I can type “python3” and the run some print codes. What am I doing wrong? How do I open the IDLE application within the python 3 folder so that the shell will appear? Thanks for the help and if you need clarification I can for sure answer so that this problem can be solved.
Что я уже пробовал:
Я попытался изменить версию python по умолчанию с 2 на 3, поместив "/use/local/bin/python3"в терминал. Я попытался загрузить более новую версию tcl/tk, однако, думаю, что она не сработала. Я попытался обновить pip, но потерпел неудачу и запустил старую версию.