Member 9903761 Ответов: 1

.продажи ГК.собрать нескольких экземпляров

I have a application I developed that in the end I had to use GC.collect called at a specific point in the application cycle to avoid performance impact (whilst the task was at idle). This seemed to work for me. The question Is when I deployed, i ended up with multiple Applications running on the same PC, whose GC.collect/idle times happen at approximately the same time. I think this arrangement is causing an issue but I don’t know how to prove it. Has anyone else had experience of calling GC.collect at the same time from multiple applications? Is the scope of the collector for the application only or does it consider the entire application memory in the PC I.e if I called it once from 1 application instance, would it clean up the Garbage from other running applications who I know to be at idle?

Что я уже пробовал:

Отключена вся остальная сборка мусора в загруженных библиотеках, которые используются в программе. Протестирована производительность forced GC.collect vs automatic heuristic driven (принудительная коллекция была более последовательной, когда я решил, когда звонить)

1 Ответов