Программирование на Python , расчет налога на зарплату
The code below is my python program for calculating the tax of yearly salaries, but the code is giving me error, "'int' object is not iterable". can anybody help me out? def calculate_tax(data): app = {} for name in data: if data[name] >=0 and data[name] <= 1000: value = data[name] - 0 app[name] = value * 0 if data[name] >=1001 and data[name] <=10000: tax1 = 1000 * 0 value2 = data[name] - 1000 tax2 = value2 * 0.1 app[name] = tax1 + tax2 if data[name] >=10001 and data[name] <=20200: tax1 = 1000 * 0 value2 = 10000 - 1000 tax2 = value2 * 0.1 value3 = data[name] - 10000 tax3 = value3 * 0.15 app[name] = tax1 + tax2 + tax3 return app print(calculate_tax({"Darey":500, "Itua":9000}))
Что я уже пробовал:
def calculate_tax(данные):
приложение = {}
для имени в данных:
если data[name] >=0 и data[name] <= 1000:
значение = данные[имя] - 0
приложение[имя] = значение * 0
если data[name] >=1001 и data[name] <=10000:
tax1 = 1000 * 0
value2 = данные[имя] - 1000
tax2 = value2 * 0.1
приложение[имя] = tax1 + tax2
если data[name] >=10001 и data[name] <=20200:
tax1 = 1000 * 0
значение 2 = 10000-1000
tax2 = value2 * 0.1
value3 = данные[имя] - 10000
tax3 = value3 * 0,15
app[name] = tax1 + tax2 + tax3 return app
print (calculate_tax ({"Darey": 500, "Itua":9000}))