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Проверки Angularjs на основе нескольких выпадающих идентификаторов

here i am using angularjs and webapi. in the entering fields i have one dropdown for channels, one text for from amount one, another dropdown for conditions(<=,>=), one text box for to amount, one more text box for fee amount. The scenario is when i select one channel and enterin from value and to value and fee amount its storing database. if i enter another from amount and to amount for same channel id, the from amount should next value of previous entered to amount. and also from amount always greater than to amount. i want angularjs validations for each channel for above scenario. Please help me out. I tried for the below code but its not working properly.

Что я уже пробовал:

$scope.SaveFixedFee = function () {

            $scope.validate = false;
            if ($scope.AddFixedfeeForm.$valid) {
                angular.forEach($scope.lsteComfixedfeelist, function (value, key) {
                    if (value.ChannelId == $scope.channelid) {
                        if (value.Condition.indexOf("=") != -1) {

                            if (($scope.frmamt >= value.FromAmount && $scope.frmamt <= value.ToAmount) || ($scope.toamt >= value.FromAmount && $scope.toamt <= value.ToAmount)) {
                                alert("Please check the from and to amount");
                                $scope.validate = true;
                        else {
                            if (($scope.frmamt > value.FromAmount && $scope.frmamt < value.ToAmount) || ($scope.toamt > value.FromAmount && $scope.toamt <= value.ToAmount)) {
                                alert("Please check the from and to amount");
                                $scope.validate = true;
                            }                        }
                        if (value.Condition.indexOf(">") != -1) {
                            if ((parseInt($scope.frmamt) - 1) != parseInt(value.ToAmount)) {
                                $scope.validate1 = true;
                        else {
                            if (parseInt($scope.frmamt) != parseInt(value.ToAmount)) {
                                $scope.validate2 = true;
                if ($scope.validate) {
                    return false;
                if ($scope.validate1) {
                    return false;
                if ($scope.validate2) {
                    return false;
                if ((parseInt($scope.frmamt) > parseInt($scope.toamt)) || (parseInt($scope.frmamt) >= parseInt($scope.toamt))) {

                    alert("from amount should less than the to amount");
                    return false;

                //if ($scope.validate()) {
                //    return false;
                var Requestboy = {
                    'ChannelId': $scope.channelid,
                    'FromAmount': $scope.frmamt,
                    'ToAmount': $scope.toamt,
                    'FixedFee': $scope.feeamt,
                    'Condition': $scope.condition,
                    'CreatedBy': $scope.LoginRoleId


                $ + '/api/Product/addFixedFee', Requestboy).then(function (response) {
                    if ("Successfully") != -1) {
                        alert("Successfully Updated");
                    else {
                        return false;

                }, function (error) {
                    alert("Something Went Wrong");
                    return false;


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