Сортировка закрытой коллекции mongodb в spring boot
I am trying to sort capped collection in descending order.
what I have tried:
@Query(sort = "{$natural:-1}")
Flux<Message> findAllByConversationId(String conversationId);
it gives:
Query failed with error code 2 and error message cannot use tailable option with a sort other than {$natural: 1}'
but when I use this query in robo3t:
it works fine !
any help ?
What I have tried:
<pre>what I have tried:
@Query(sort = "{$natural:-1}")
Flux<Message> findAllByConversationId(String conversationId);
it gives:
Query failed with error code 2 and error message cannot use tailable option with a sort other than {$natural: 1}'
but when I use this query in robo3t:
it works fine !