Строка подключения Sql server
Привет,я нашел одну проблему для входа в систему, где отсутствует пароль.Я нашел ниже по ссылке
Объекта odbcconnection.Свойство ConnectionString (System.Data.Odbc)[^]
The .NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC does not support the Persist Security Info keyword that is supported by other .NET Framework data providers. However, the ConnectionString property behaves as if Persist Security Info were set to false. This means that you cannot retrieve the password from the ConnectionString property if the connection has been opened. When the ConnectionString property is read from an OdbcConnection object that has been opened, the connection string is returned minus the password. You cannot change this behavior; therefore, if the application requires the password, store it separately before calling Open.
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