Внешний триггер для точечной серой камеры
Кто-нибудь может помочь узнать код внешнего аппаратного триггера для точечной серой камеры.
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Что я уже пробовал:
static void PrintBuildInfo() { FC2Version version = ManagedUtilities.libraryVersion; StringBuilder newStr = new StringBuilder(); newStr.AppendFormat( "FlyCapture2 library version: {0}.{1}.{2}.{3}\n", version.major, version.minor, version.type, version.build); Console.WriteLine(newStr); } static void PrintCameraInfo(CameraInfo camInfo) { StringBuilder newStr = new StringBuilder(); newStr.Append("\n*** CAMERA INFORMATION ***\n"); newStr.AppendFormat("Serial number - {0}\n", camInfo.serialNumber); newStr.AppendFormat("Camera model - {0}\n", camInfo.modelName); newStr.AppendFormat("Camera vendor - {0}\n", camInfo.vendorName); newStr.AppendFormat("Sensor - {0}\n", camInfo.sensorInfo); newStr.AppendFormat("Resolution - {0}\n", camInfo.sensorResolution); Console.WriteLine(newStr); } static bool CheckSoftwareTriggerPresence(ManagedCamera cam) { const uint TriggerInquiry = 0x530; uint triggerInquiryValue = cam.ReadRegister(TriggerInquiry); if ((triggerInquiryValue & 0x10000) != 0x10000) { return false; } return true; } static bool PollForTriggerReady(ManagedCamera cam) { const uint SoftwareTrigger = 0x62C; uint softwareTriggerValue = 0; do { softwareTriggerValue = cam.ReadRegister(SoftwareTrigger); } while ((softwareTriggerValue >> 31) != 0); return true; } static bool FireSoftwareTrigger(ManagedCamera cam) { const uint SoftwareTrigger = 0x62C; const uint SoftwareTriggerFireValue = 0x80000000; cam.WriteRegister(SoftwareTrigger, SoftwareTriggerFireValue); return true; } static void Main(string[] args) { PrintBuildInfo(); const int NumImages = 10; bool useSoftwareTrigger = true; ManagedBusManager busMgr = new ManagedBusManager(); uint numCameras = busMgr.GetNumOfCameras(); Console.WriteLine("Number of cameras detected: {0}", numCameras); // Finish if there are no cameras if (numCameras == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Not enough cameras!"); Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } ManagedPGRGuid guid = busMgr.GetCameraFromIndex(0); ManagedCamera cam = new ManagedCamera(); cam.Connect(guid); // Power on the camera const uint CameraPower = 0x610; const uint CameraPowerValue = 0x80000000; cam.WriteRegister(CameraPower, CameraPowerValue); const Int32 MillisecondsToSleep = 100; uint cameraPowerValueRead = 0; // Wait for camera to complete power-up do { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(MillisecondsToSleep); cameraPowerValueRead = cam.ReadRegister(CameraPower); } while ((cameraPowerValueRead & CameraPowerValue) == 0); // Get the camera information CameraInfo camInfo = cam.GetCameraInfo(); PrintCameraInfo(camInfo); if (!useSoftwareTrigger) { // Check for external trigger support TriggerModeInfo triggerModeInfo = cam.GetTriggerModeInfo(); if (triggerModeInfo.present != true) { Console.WriteLine("Camera does not support external trigger!"); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } } // Get current trigger settings TriggerMode triggerMode = cam.GetTriggerMode(); // Set camera to trigger mode 0 // A source of 7 means software trigger triggerMode.onOff = true; triggerMode.mode = 0; triggerMode.parameter = 0; if (useSoftwareTrigger) { // A source of 7 means software trigger triggerMode.source = 7; } else { // Triggering the camera externally using source 0. triggerMode.source = 0; } // Set the trigger mode cam.SetTriggerMode(triggerMode); // Poll to ensure camera is ready bool retVal = PollForTriggerReady(cam); if (retVal != true) { Console.WriteLine("Poll for trigger read failed!"); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } // Get the camera configuration FC2Config config = cam.GetConfiguration(); // Set the grab timeout to 5 seconds config.grabTimeout = 5000; // Set the camera configuration cam.SetConfiguration(config); // Camera is ready, start capturing images cam.StartCapture(); if (useSoftwareTrigger) { if (CheckSoftwareTriggerPresence(cam) == false) { Console.WriteLine("SOFT_ASYNC_TRIGGER not implemented on this camera! Stopping application\n"); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Trigger the camera by sending a trigger pulse to GPIO%d.\n", triggerMode.source); } ManagedImage image = new ManagedImage(); for (int iImageCount = 0; iImageCount < NumImages; iImageCount++) { if (useSoftwareTrigger) { // Check that the trigger is ready retVal = PollForTriggerReady(cam); Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to initiate a software trigger.\n"); Console.ReadLine(); // Fire software trigger retVal = FireSoftwareTrigger(cam); if (retVal != true) { Console.WriteLine("Error firing software trigger!"); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } } // Grab image cam.RetrieveBuffer(image); Console.WriteLine(".\n"); } Console.WriteLine("Finished grabbing images"); // Stop capturing images cam.StopCapture(); // Turn off trigger mode triggerMode.onOff = false; cam.SetTriggerMode(triggerMode); // Disconnect the camera cam.Disconnect(); Console.WriteLine("Done! Press enter to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); }