Восстановление удаленного файла в Visual Studio
Я по ошибке удалил файл .aspx.vb. Есть ли какой-нибудь способ восстановить его?
Проверьте свою корзину, удаленный файл должен быть здесь, если вы не очистили его. Восстановите нужный вам файл
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When you use the Delete command to delete a file or project from a database, the deleted items are removed from Visual SourceSafe Explorer. If the deleted item is a project, all its subprojects are also deleted. However, Visual SourceSafe continues to store the deleted items, so that it can rebuild old versions of a project that requires them. The Recover command on the Deleted Items tab restores deleted items, including all subprojects if the deleted item is a project. After an item has been recovered, it is once again part of its parent project. To recover a deleted file or project: In Visual SourceSafe Explorer, on the File menu, click Properties. Click the Deleted Items tab. Select the file(s) or project that you want to recover. Click Recover.