sivachandra prabhu Ответов: 0

Второй параметр не отвечает на основе первого параметра только в браузере в SSRS

I have the problem on filtering in SSRS report only in browser. But, it works fine in Business Intelligence. Actually when i filter the Item group, the Test group is automatically refreshed and filtered in Business Intelligence (Please refer the picture 1). But, After deployment in browser, when i filter the Item group, the Test group is not refreshed. Nothing happened (Please refer the picture 2). But if i set From date and to date with in 2 months period it filtered. It works fine in browser. I don't know what is happening here. please suggest me a good solution. Thanks.

Picture1 и Picture2

Sample code for Item Group filter and Test Group filter given below

Что я уже пробовал:

SELECT distinct ITEMGROUPID from ADK_MY_QUALITYORDERDIMGRPVIEW where ((PRODDATE>=@FromDate and PRODDATE<=@ToDate) or (@FromDate is null and  @ToDate is null)) and DATAAREAID =(select LEFT(@Company,CHARINDEX('-',@Company)-1)) order by ITEMGROUPID

select distinct TESTGROUPID from ADK_MY_QUALITYORDERDIMGRPVIEW where ((PRODDATE>=@FromDate and PRODDATE<=@ToDate) or (@FromDate is null and  @ToDate is null)) and ITEMGROUPID in (@Itemgrp) and DATAAREAID =(select LEFT(@Company,CHARINDEX('-',@Company)-1)) order by TESTGROUPID

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