Я не могу запустить программу из - за ошибки в inehriting
1 class Grandfather: 2 last = 'wilson' 3 citizenship = 'american' 4 residence = 'Detroit' 5 def __init__(self,first,college,age,career,workplace): 6 self.first = first 7 self.college = college 8 self.age = age 9 self.career = career 10 self.workplace = workplace 11 self.email = first + '-' + Grandfather.last + '@email.com' 12 @property 13 def fullname(self): 14 return '{} {}'.format(self.first,Grandfather.last) 15 def __str__(self): 16 return '{} {}'.format(self.first,self.last) 17 @property 18 def history(self): 19 return 'my name is : {}, i graduated from {} and work as {} in {}'.format\ 20 (self.fullname,self.college,self.career,self.workplace) 21 @classmethod 22 def set_residence(cls,newR): 23 cls.residence = newR 24 @classmethod 25 def set_cit(cls,new_cit): 26 cls.citizenship = new_cit 27 28 29 30 31 class Father(Grandfather): 32 def __init__(self,first,college,age,career,workplace,sport,wife): 33 super().__init__(first,college,age,career,workplace) 34 self.sport = sport 35 self.wife = wife 36 37 38 class Son(Father): 39 def __init__(self,first,college,age,career,workplace,Vedio_Game,Car): 40 super().__init__(first,college,age,career,workplace) 41 self.Vedio_Game = Vedio_Game 42 self.Car = Car 43 44 john = Grandfather('john','stanford',70,'engineer','Ford') 45 mark = Father('mark','MIT',40,'CScientist','SONY','Tennis','Sara') 46 Anna = Aunt('Anna','Cambridge',38,'Teacher','school','black','Basketball') 47 Maik = Son('Maik','MIT',26,'SoftwareEngineer','Google','MineCraft','Toyota') 48 if __name__ == '__main__': 49 print(john.fullname) 50 print(john) 51 print(john.history) 52 Grandfather.set_residence('Frankfurt') 53 print(Grandfather.residence) 54 print('############') 55 print(mark.fullname) 56 print(mark) 57 print(mark.history) 58 print(mark.residence) 59 print('###########') 60 print(Maik.fullname) 61 print(Maik) 62 print(Maik.residence)
Что я уже пробовал:
я попытался выполнить программу, но она выдает ошибку :
Traceback (most recent call last): File "my_Errors.py", line 66, in <module> Maik = Son('Maik','MIT',26,'SoftwareEngineer','Google','MineCraft','Toyota') File "my_Errors.py", line 40, in __init__ super().__init__(first,college,age,career,workplace) TypeError: __init__() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'sport' and 'wife'
Richard MacCutchan
Также отредактировал свой вопрос, чтобы мы действительно могли видеть, какие строки 66 и 40. Хотя, очевидно, некоторые строки отсутствуют.