Я получаю ошибки в uart.h, так как строка идентификатора не определена, можно ли ее исправить
#include <lpc21xx.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "lcd.h" #include "uart.h" void getstring(unsigned char *); void status_ok(void); void main(void) { int i,j,k; unsigned int cnt=0x80,m; char xx , msg[50]; Serial_Init(); delay(50); uart0_init(); initLCD(); while(1) { uart0_tx("AT\r"); // AT COMMAND FOR INITIALING status_ok(); uart0_tx("AT+IPR=9600\r"); // AT COMMAND FOR BAUD RATE status_ok(); uart0_tx("AT+CMGR=2\r"); // Reading the message detail // at Index 1 with phone number, data and time status_ok(); delay(250); for(i=0;i<50;) { msg[i++]= uart0_rx(); // receieving the message and storing it in the array. } msg[i]= '\0'; for( i=0,k=j;i<16;i++) { LCD_Cmd(0x80+i); LCD_WriteString(msg); if(i+j>16) { k--; LCD_Cmd(0x80); LCD_WriteString(msg + k); } delay(1000); LCD_Cmd(0x01); } } } void getstring(unsigned char *array) { unsigned char temp=0, i=0; do { temp = getchar(); *array++ = temp; } while((temp != '\r') && (temp != '\n')); *array = '\0'; } void status_ok(void) { unsigned char *y; char *pointr; getstring(y); while(!(strstr(y,"OK"))) getstring(y); * pointr = strstr(y,"OK"); LCD_Cmd(0xc0); LCD_WriteString(pointr++); LCD_WriteString(pointr); delay(500); LCD_Cmd(0x01); } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //lcd.h program// -------------------- #include <lpc214x.h> //#include <delay.h> /* Connections from LPC2148 to LCD Module: P0.0 to P0.7 used as Data bits. P1.16 connected to pin4 i.e. RS - Command / Data P1.17 connected to pin6 i.e. E - Enable Pin5 of LCD Module i.e. 'R/W' connected to ground */ void initLCD(void); void enable(void); void LCD_WriteChar(char c); void LCD_WriteString(char * string); void LCD_Cmd(unsigned int cmd); void initLCD(void) { IO0DIR = 0xFF; //P0.0 to P0.7 configured as Output - Using 8 Bit mode IO1DIR |= (1<<16) | (1<<17); //P1.16 and P1.17 configured as Output - Control Pins IO0PIN = 0x0; //Reset Port0 to 0. IO1PIN = 0x0; //Reset Port1 to 0 - Which also makes RS and Enable LOW. //LCD Initialization Sequence Now starts delay(50);//Initial Delay LCD_Cmd(0x3C); //Function Set Command : 8 Bit Mode , 2 Rows , 5x10 Font Style LCD_Cmd(0x0F); //Display Switch Command : Display on , Cursor on , Blink on LCD_Cmd(0x06); //Input Set : Increment Mode LCD_Cmd(0x01); //Screen Clear Command , Cursor at Home LCD_Cmd(0x80); //Not required the 1st time but needed to reposition the cursor at home after Clearing Screen //Done! } void enable(void) { delay(50); IO1PIN |= (1<<17);//Enable=High delay(50); IO1PIN &= ~(1<<17);//Enable=Low delay(50); } void LCD_WriteChar(char c) { IO1PIN |= (1<<16); //Switch to Data Mode IO0PIN = (int) c; //Supply Character Code enable(); //Pulse Enable to process it } void LCD_WriteString(char *str) { int c=0; while (str[c]!='\0') { LCD_WriteChar(str[c]); c++; } } void LCD_Cmd(unsigned int cmd) { IO1PIN = 0x0; //Enter Instruction Mode IO0PIN = cmd; //Supply Instruction/Command Code enable(); //Pulse Enable to process it } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //delay.h program// ------------------------ void delay(unsigned int n) { unsigned int i,j; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { for(j=0;j<12000;j++) {;} } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //uart.h program// --------------------- unsigned char uart_rx() { unsigned char str; while(!(U0LSR&0x20));//wait till kbr contains valid data str=U0RBR; return str; } void uart0_tx(string a)----------//error identifier 'string' is undefined// { U0THR=a; while(!(U0LSR & 0x26)); } void uart_string(char*str) { while(*str) uart0_tx(*str++); } uart0_init() { U0LSR=0x83; U0DLL=0x61; U0DLM=0x00; U0LCR=0x03; }
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