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#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <iomanip> #include <array> #include <cassert> using namespace std; class container { friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, container &); // Postcondition: displays # of values stored in the container, storage capacity of the contianer, and stored values in the container // in the following format: Array size = 3, capacity = 4, contents = 11, 22, 33 (see below sample program output public: container(); // Postcondition: set dynamic storage capacity to 1 and count to -1 where (count + 1) represents the actual values stored // in the container. Notice that data member count is used as the subscript to access elements (actual values) stored // in the dynamic array; thus (count + 1) represents the total # of values that are currently stored in the array container(int n); // Postcondition: set dynamic storage (data array) capacity to n and count to -1 container(container &c); // Programmer-supplied copy constructor is necessary to avoid memory leak and other side effect // Postcondition: a new container class object is created which is the same as the one passed to the function ~container(); // Programmer-supplied destructor is necessary to avoid memory leak // Postcondition: all dynamic memory locations have been returned back to the heap whenever a container object goes out of scope container& operator=(container &rhs); // Programmer-supplied overloaded assignment is necessary to avoid memory leak and other side effect // Postconditoin: the container object rhs is assigned to the calling object void insert(int value); // Postcondition: if the container is not full, the value passed to the function is stored in // the first available element of the dynamic array. Otherwise the function calls the private // "allocate" member function requesting a new set of dynamic memory with twice the previous storage capacity // the insert function then increments count by 1 and insert the value into the new and larger array. void remove(); // Precondition: the data array must not be empty; i.e., count must be greater than or equal to 0. // Postcondition: if the container is not empty, then remove the most recently stored value ifrom the container and // decrement count by 1; otherwise, display the message "The container is empty; no action is taken!" int operator[](int sub); // Precondition: value passed to the function must be a positive integer including 0 // Postcondition: the value of stored in data[sub] is returned; if sub is out of range, display a message and terminate the program . bool isFull(); // Postcondition: return true if the container is full; return false otherwise bool isEmpty(); // Postcondition: return true if the container is empty; return false otherwise int Capacity(); // Notice uppercase 'C' to avoid conflict with data member named "capacity" // Postcondition: returns the current storage capacity of the container int size(); // Postcondition: returns the # of elements (# of objects) currently stored in the container void resize(int n); // Postcondition: container (i.e., the dynamic array) is resized to n; contents of existing container have been copied to the new array; // old array is deleted to avoid memory leak. private: void allocate(); // Postcondition: 1) the capacity of the container has been doubled, 2) existing values in the existing array have been copied to // the new and larger dynamic array, 3) memory of the old array has been deleted (returned to "heap"). int *data; int capacity; // indicates the storage capcity of the container, i.e., the size of the dynamic array int count; // used as a subscript to index into the array; size = count + 1 }; int main() { container c1; bool status = c1.isEmpty(); if (status = true) cout << "contents of container is empty" << endl; else cout << "contianer is not empty" << endl; //c1.(5); //c1.insert(2); for (int i = 1; i <=9; i++) c1.insert(11*i); cout <<c1 << endl; /*cout << "Container c2 contains:" << endl; container c2(c1); cout<<c2<<endl; container c3 =c2; cout << "Container c3 contains:" << endl; cout << c3 << endl; c3.resize(4); cout << c3 << endl; c3.resize(7); cout << c3 << endl; cout << "Address of c1 = " << &c1 << endl; cout << "Address of c2 = " << &c2 << endl; cout << "Address of c3 = " << &c3 << endl;*/ system("pause"); return 0; } container::container() { capacity = 1; data = new int[capacity]; count = -1; assert(data !=NULL); } container::container(int n) { count = -1; capacity = n; data = new int[capacity]; assert(data !=NULL); } container::container(container &c) { capacity = c.capacity; count=c.count; data = new int[capacity]; assert(data !=NULL); for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) data[i] = c.data[i]; } container::~container() { delete[]data; } container& container:: operator=(container &rhs) { if (this != &rhs) { delete data; data = rhs.data; rhs.data = nullptr; } return (*this); } void container::insert(int x) { //cout << count; if (isFull()) ++count; (*this).allocate(); (*this).data[count] = x; } bool container::isFull() { bool status; if (count == capacity - 1) status = true; else status = false; return status; } void container::allocate() { int *temp; temp = new int[2 * capacity]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) temp[i] = data[i]; capacity = 2 * capacity; for (int i =0; i<count; i++) data = temp; delete[]data; } int container::operator[] (int sub) { int num; if (sub<0) { cout << "sub is out of range"; exit(1); } num = data[sub]; return num; } bool container::isEmpty() { if (count == -1) return true; else return false; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, container & obj) { out << "The 'container' contains the following " << obj.count + 1 << " value(s):\n"; if (obj.count == -1) out << "*** data array is empty!" << endl; else { for (int i = 0; i <= obj.count; i++) out << obj.data[i] << '\t'; out << endl; } return out; } int container::Capacity() { return capacity; } void container::resize(int n) { int *temp; temp = new int[n]; assert(temp != NULL); if (count + 1 < n) for (int i = 0; i <= count; i++) temp[i] = data[i]; else { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) temp[i] = data[i]; count = n - 1; } capacity = n; delete[] data; data = temp; }
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