Member 14205173 Ответов: 0

Как получить/скачать обложку альбома из интернета для проекта music player

Hello i'm making Music player with clean look and great design and i'm about to finish it but i want to add a cool smart feature is when there is an internet connection and there isn't album cover in the mp3 file ('The song) then the program should download and get the cover by name of the mp3 file and if there is cover in the mp3 file use it (i already done that). all i wan't knew is to knew what i done wrong in this code. The problem is Msgbox appearing and says error in downloading song cover BUT why. Is there is something wrong in my code? and thanks for you time and helping me :)

Что я уже пробовал:

If My.Computer.Network.IsAvailable Then

       Label13.Text = Label5.Text
       Dim Clint As New WebClient()
       Dim photolink As String = Nothing

       Dim sourceCollection As String = Clint.DownloadString(New Uri("" + Label13.Text + "&i=digital-music&ref=nb_sb_noss"))
       Dim Weber As New WebBrowser With {.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = True}
       Weber.DocumentText = sourceCollection
       Dim htmlColl As HtmlDocument = Weber.Document.OpenNew(True)
       If htmlColl.GetElementById("mp3StoreShovelerCell0") IsNot Nothing Then
           Dim theHtmlElementCollection As HtmlElementCollection = htmlColl.GetElementById("mp3StoreShovelerCell0").GetElementsByTagName("img")
           For Each curElement As HtmlElement In theHtmlElementCollection
               photolink = curElement.GetAttribute("src")
           If photolink IsNot Nothing Then
               photolink = photolink.ToString.Replace("._SL500_SS110_.jpg", "._SS500_.jpg")
               BunifuImageButton2.ImageLocation = photolink

           End If
           BunifuImageButton2.Image = My.Resources.clipart536736

           MsgBox("Error in Downloading Song Cover")

       End If

       Dim file As TagLib.File = TagLib.File.Create(AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL.ToString())
       If (file.Tag.Pictures.Length > 0) Then
           Dim bin = CType(file.Tag.Pictures(0).Data.Data, Byte())
           BunifuImageButton2.Image = Image.FromStream(New MemoryStream(bin)).GetThumbnailImage(600, 600, Nothing, IntPtr.Zero)

           BunifuImageButton7.Image = Image.FromStream(New MemoryStream(bin)).GetThumbnailImage(600, 600, Nothing, IntPtr.Zero)
           BunifuImageButton7.Image = My.Resources.clipart536736

       End If
   End If
   BunifuImageButton7.Image = BunifuImageButton2.Image
   ''end of code cover

Richard MacCutchan

Вам нужно использовать свой отладчик, чтобы понять, почему загрузка завершается неудачно.

Member 14205173

окей. но есть ли что-то неправильное в моем коде или все хорошо? и спасибо.

Richard MacCutchan

Откуда нам знать? Вы-единственный человек, который может это проверить.

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